Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nancy Meat

We had a Pig named Nancy. She was raised from a piglet to a hog at "The Morgan Farm". When it came time to harvest Nancy, Papa and Dad (Robert S. Stroud Sr.) did it all in the backyard of the farm.

When they finished with all of the processing of the meat we cooked some bacon.

Everyone is sitting at the kitchen table slowing eating the food and having a hard time eating the meat. Nancy had been a pet to some and they were having a problem with eating the meat. But, we had one person in the family that was gorging on the food. That would be Aaron. Aaron was eating and eating the meat with no pausing. When he finished his plate of food he wanted more. He said, "Please pass the Nancy meat." This ended it for everyone. All the forks went down and no one wanted anything else to eat except for Aaron who was downing his next helping of "Nancy meat".

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