Friday, July 4, 2008

Barkley Dog

1) Barkley is Born.... Aaron called mom at work one day to tell her that the Principal of Arnold Jr. High School had brought her accidental puppies to school and could he have one. Mom said, No but the Principal got on the phone and said why don't you let him bring it home and if it does not work then bring him back. So, mom agreed.

Aaron brought home this cute little black puppy in his backpack on the bus. He came home and we all played with him. When dad arrived we all ran out to ask him if we could keep this puppy that Aaron brought home from school. Immediately, dad said no! However just after he responded this cute little puppy came running out the front door and straight at dad. Dad picked him up and he licked his face. It was done! He then agreed to keep this puppy.

2) How he got his name.... Barkley did what he wanted to do in the house and really struggled to understand the importance of getting house trained, or of listening too much. He was a smart dog and I think that he understood what was going on, just not the importance of doing what we wanted him to do. A name wasn't final for this accidental birth from a fully registered Golden Retriever and Basset Hound. For some reason he was all black, with the exception of a little white patch on his chest, despite having a golden retriever for a father. One night Momma Annette Stroud was watching the Phoenix Suns play a basketball game. At the last moment of the game, Charles Barkley had the opportunity to go in for an easy layup for the tie, but instead shot a three pointer for the hopeful win but missed, just before the last buzzer. The Suns lost. A few minutes later a young white reporter ask him about his decision to take the failed shot. "Sir" Charles Barkley responded, "You white reporters just don't understand us 90's niggas. We 90's niggas gonna do what we 90's niggas want to do." That was it for mom, and Barkley was his name, because our Barkley was going to do what he wanted to do.

It's a direct quote, and I am sorry if anyone finds offence, but if so just deal with it.

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